Thread: Hair problem
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03-25-2008, 09:32 AM

Hong kong this summer? ME TOO. Hk = awesome...
ANYWAYS you're hairs going to be fine... well it kind of depends on the person doing your hair. I bleached the whole top half of my head blonde and my hair is fine, since they only dyed it once when most people usually dye it twice on black hair to give it the intensity, so find someone professional.
Also you should really take good care of your hair if destroying it is what you're most afraid of, may I suggest hardcore conditioning and use the color guard one (shampoo too).
Also note that purple/green/blue fades about 3 weeks later, so it may not be the best color choice seeing that you usually have to go it for touch ups and you don't want to ruin your hair. *Hair stylist told me all of this and yes I've gotten almost every color you can think of*
BUT the advantage you have is that you have short hair, so if the color does suck or if you're hair is getting course you can just wait for it to grow out, cut if off and redye it again. =] So... Good luck. =]
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