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03-26-2008, 04:40 AM
Movieland posted an interesting article that Adam over at dbthemovie.com translated:
Second part of Dragonball will be shot in the first quarter of 2009
One of my sources was able to talk to one of the contractors who work with the production of Dragonball in Durango, this person says that the production has assured him that all three films are set to film in Durango, and that they secured his job for the coming years as a supplier of production … He also commented that if things go well, “Dragonball 2″ could begin filmed at the end of the first quarter of 2009, that is, within a year.
Something that certainly is good news for fans and of course for the people of Durango, as this indicates that the trilogy will be shot in Durango and this makes sense, since it was revealed that some sets of Dragonball would stay even when filming was complete.
It also depends on how you go at the box office and the acceptance by having fans … But we hope that all goes well.
Sequel? Trilogy? I can not shake the feeling that this rush is going to completely destroy the story >_<