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uchimizu (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Foreign Manager in Japan - 03-26-2008, 11:10 PM


there are many threads on this forum about people wanting to move to Japan, and how to find a job, a visa for people who really want to go to Japan.

However, a large number of expats are actually assigned to Japan as part of their normal career in multi-national companies. They usually do not have to worry about the visa, and about material issues. However, this does not mean they have it easy, and Japan can be a major carrier breaker, especially for managers that are brilliant in the West.

I was lucky enough to be one of those expats in the Japanese subsidiary of and anglo-saxon group. I wrote a few thoughts about key to success in Japan there, that may be of some use to others.

I would be glad to hear about your experience too, and any comments about what I wrote.
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