Kiryu-sama's wife...
Posts: 178
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: where ever Kiryu-sama is...
03-27-2008, 07:11 PM
I'm an African girl, well I always had crushes on east asian guys**even before I found out about japan anime etc..**
I hope is not bad for a japanese guy and a black girl to be together and I would like to if such a thing ever happened, but I have one very good avantage, that can allow me to marry or go out with a guy from another race n_~
anyways I do hope to be with a Japanese man**hopefully**one day
ViCe PrEz Of ThE ZeRo LuVeRs ClUb My JF Family ~+MeMbEr Of ThE vAmPiRe ClAn+~ **Owner of Zero-sama **