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NickVelvet (Offline)
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03-30-2008, 05:46 PM

Glad to see you put the pics back up. I missed them the first time. Very nice images. From a technical standpoint id give them some more contrast.

I have had a facination with old gravyards myself. Just something about the old ones. To see when an individual lived and died, and wondering what thier life was like.

Back in college one of my photo assigments was to create a small photo book. I had read an article on an cemetary used by some of the first Spanish immigrants back in the 1840's. Its now a California State Historical landmark. Some of the graves are only marked with a homemade cross, and some headstones were crudley carved. Unfortunatly I dont have a scanner or I would post a few. I may have to make another trip out there.

As far as people not liking the images, well not everyone is going to like everything. You sometimes have to be a little thick skinned. Again back in college I had a teacher who was very straight forward. If he didnt like your work he told you. On a few occasions he said my photos for a particular assigment were crap. He even once made someone cry. I had the utmost respect for him. He was pushing me and eventually I began to create my own style, which was his intentions. Over time he actually hired me as an assistant on some of his shoots.

Even if you just do this for fun as a hobby. Dont let others dictate your creativity.

Heres a shot I did awhile back. It was taken with infrared film. which is why the trees and grass look white. Gives it an erie effect.
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File Type: jpg Graveyard1a.jpg (137.0 KB, 10 views)

"Play a song on one deck, now play one on the other deck. Push the buttons and play with the slidey things, and turn the knobs. Do this for 3 your a DJ"

"Photography is 10% knowledge and 90%
witchcraft" - A. Taussig

Women are like the bus...another will be along in 10 mintues.
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