Thread: Making sets
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(#4 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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03-31-2008, 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by Seiryuu View Post
I see.

But wouldn't sushi have ko 個 as a counter, for they're small objects? And how does 入り come into effect?
No, you would sound like an small kid if you counted sushi pieces using 個. I live in Tokyo and I go to a sushi bar almost once a week. Besides that, I'm a native speaker to begin with!! Counters in Japanese are never very simple.

~入り means containing ~ (~ is a number). You will sound much clearer if you include ~入り because you're putting more than one counters in a very short sentence. By the way, that word is read いり and not はいり if you were wondering.
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