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(#82 (permalink))
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Kajitsu (Offline)
Is a very strange fruit.
Posts: 197
Join Date: Feb 2008
03-31-2008, 07:52 PM

Waiting For You

I am standing here
Waiting for you
I know you won't
Notice me
I know you
May not care
But I stay here
And wait for you to pass
Because I hope
To make a difference
And it's the only
Way I can

When I greet you
I am hoping
It can help to take away
The feelings
I had toward you
That were not
Ones I liked

I hope you have
Forgiven me
For I have not
The friendship
We might have shared


Avatar credit to Tejou from Digik Designs

Last edited by Kajitsu : 04-01-2008 at 07:29 PM.
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