Originally Posted by samurai007
The biggest expense is flying over there... if at all possible, stay longer than a week so that you get your money's worth from the tickets.
As for preparation, I'd suggest buying the Lonely Planet Japan guide and start looking through it. The book was a great resource for me, showed me tons of places to go and things to do that I might never have known about otherwise.
Flying is expensive, but in looking into my own trip in about two years(for about a month) I found a neat little secret. Japan Airlines(I think that was the name).
I could only look a year in advance, but it showed that I could get from greensboro, nc(my closest airport) to tokyo for about $700 a person, after fees!
My jaw dropped to the floor after I realized I wasn't overlooking a zero! Also, this was buisiness class, not coach
No first class was available for that week.