Originally Posted by jrocker21
i've seen a naked omi too many times..
but a naked naoto sounds nice.
*gets glared by omi*
@myvfan.. think quickly, jyou's getting restless!
Hey!! I was gone!! I couldn't make any decisions...
Originally Posted by adina
uhm...me ish not that pervy and creative.....-raises shoulders-
you can do whatever you want with me...cause...me ish the uke *nods*
*stalks jyou*[I have my clothes on XD]
I hope so. *mildly glares*
But you can't stalk her when she's laying under me.
Originally Posted by adina
not the whip again
-hides behind miko-
uuuu ..UUU...is the her hand on my butt????
ooooo.....it feels nice actually.....-takes her shirt of-
mwhahaha....I'm so gay
nuuuuu...is the second female I raped after jyou -_-"
This best have been a semi-long ago incident.
oh... I'm gonna PM you.
(I want more music. new music)