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jasonbvr (Offline)
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02-16-2007, 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by Maku View Post
So I take it it's best to be really organised and enthusiastic, or else your teaching and their progress will suffer.
Is is only the larger towns and cities that these companies operate in?
Haha, organized, ha, enthusiastic! Where is my roll around on the floor laughing with milk coming out of my nose emoticon!

Seriously though, yes these are good attributes no matter what you do in life. I am more organized and prepared than most of the teachers I work with. Enthusiastic, that wore off a few months ago. I like my kids and enjoy having classes, but I don't infuse them with false enthusiasm anymore. If something works and we have fun doing it, then awesome but I am not going to be some sort of entertainer and overly genki (cheerful) if I am not feeling it. Some teachers pull it off really well, but if the kids aren't genki I am going to reflect that.

Okay, Interac is an ALT staffing company so you will end up all over japan if you work for them. You will end up anywhere from Tokyo to some small town at the base of a mountain in northern Nagano (my dream come true) if you work as an ALT.

But yes, most Eikaiwas are located in cities and/or nearby rail stations to get the students in numbers. Eikaiwas earn more money by attaining more students. ALT companies get more money by hiring more ALT's and contracting with more schools which means they will stick you anywhere they find a school board willing to place you there.

But, you will find some eikaiwas in small cities far from civilization. Do your research and decide where you want to be because traveling around is not an option every weekend.

Last edited by jasonbvr : 02-19-2007 at 01:41 PM.
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