damn it.. i put hazuki and hizumi's name together..
now why the hell did i did that?? *kicks self*
and it seems the boys have something new in plan..
Along with the radio show they announced before, lynch. will be starting a regular internet radio show via LIVECAST! The first episode airs on April 7th and will continue on the first and third Monday of every month, starting at 8:30pm.
The show will be called “lynch.のRADIO STARZ” and you can tune in through LIVECAST.jp.
According to LIVECAST.jp, the show is lead by Hazuki and the band’s leader, Reo. They also plan have to guests on their show, and are currently taking requests for mail from the fans.
Have something you want to send in? Write to lynch[at]livemedia.co.jp