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kenshiromusou (Offline)
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friends, please, help me with those 2 sentences - 04-04-2008, 12:12 AM

Friends, I got new problems with my translations.
Could you help me to understand these sentences (like you always do)?

1 - 剣をつかわせたら右に出る者のいないwarrior。
(I didn't understand perfectly the subject [出る者のいないwarrior] - When "he he brandishes (take ) his sword, there isn't who can overcome him / or: When "he he brandishes (take ) his sword, there isn't who, among warriors, that can overcome him ?
I don't know if it talks that there isn't nobody able to overcome him or if talks that there isn't nobdy among the warriors that can overcome him.
Can you help me to understand it?

2 - YoranをたすけにあらわれたMafukuと対戦、その強大なパ ワ ー を見せつけるが、Mafuku必殺の"Bones Crush"をくらい、敗北する。
I wanna confere if I understood: Mafuku appeared to save Yoran, the great power (of enemy) was exhibited, (enemy) received the mortal Bones Crush of Mafuku and was defeated.
is it?
Sorry, but I have a tremendous difficulty when there are multiples subjects in the sentence.

I had to add another doubt: たのもしい味方Mafuku,見参!! (I would like to know what is this "kenzan" in the phrase. (this comma after Mafuku is killing me) [could it means "Mafuku, the reliable ally, 'arrives' !!"?
Once more, thank you very much, my friends and pardon for continuing to importune you.

Last edited by kenshiromusou : 04-04-2008 at 03:57 AM.
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