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kenshiromusou (Offline)
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04-04-2008, 05:58 AM

Thank you very much, Nagoyankee!

You are always disposed helping me. I am very thankful to you and the all of the members of this forum, especially to the members Nyororin, enyafriend, Kiyo, Yumeau, Kyo_9! and ookamichan.

About 2 - Isnt this phrase a bit different of Kato's exemple?
I have a little doubt because the man of first phrase is a componentof a warrior's chaste.
when they put the "Warrior" after the "をさせたら右に出る者はいない", they want to say that "when (the man) takes his sword, hes the best of the whole breed of warriors". ?
Sorry, I had to have explained that he is integral of a group of warriors.
there is not a certain group in your example of Kato, then we deduced that he is better of all, that all the collectivity.
any thing that I to put in front of the "をさせたら右に出る者はいない" will limit the inclusion of the superiority? (if we put "ビートルズを語らせたら加藤さんの右にでる者はい な いdriver。") [Mr. Kato would be the best knowing about Beatles among the drivers] ?
with this information I neglected (hes is member of warriors group), is correct the phrase:
"he is the best swordsman among the warriors"?
"when he take his sword, there is not a warrior able to overcome him (not just in a swords fight -[using his sword, he would defeat the other warriors in their different fight modalities]- )"?
Or should I keep your phrase ? (This phrase is annoying because the subject of which it treats is the only swordsman among the warriors, the only that struggles with a sword) - then, it is obvious that he is the best swordsman, because it is the only.
I'll stop to try to understand it and use your recommendation.

About the third phrase "たのもしい味方Mafuku,見参!!" : It was not said by Makufu. It is a prominence sentence about the participation of Makufu in the story.

Thank you very much, Nagoyankee !

Last edited by kenshiromusou : 04-06-2008 at 01:23 AM.
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