Originally Posted by CoolNard
a victory dance?! haha, good one!
When i 1st play a megaman game it takes me like 3 tries to beat the last boss(usually sigma :P) and then after i pwn it im like, "In ur face u piece of #@%#!! In! Your! Face!!!" My family thinks im weird when i do that XD~!
Do u aim to achieve a perfect score everytime u play it? Like, getting thru a whole level without being dealt any damages, etcetc
lmao i do the same thing. yeah ive tried. my sister always thinks it funny when i try and then get hit. she'll laugh and then i rub it in her face that atleast i can get futher then her ;P
The first time i played a megaman game i couldnt beat the first boss and i would cry cuz i was little. and i would make my brother beat it for me ^.^ but when i got older i was determind to beat the whole game myself. like the times i used to play mario brothers or zelda! I wasnt good at games when i was little if you couldnt tell lol.
And yes i have a victory dance... I do it only when i beat games i couldnt and gave up on. I beat Grandia (if you havent heard of it, It's a rpg and its kinda hard at points) but when i beat the whole thing which took me around five times to beat. then it was Victory dance time!

Also Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy 7 the one under the water, When i beat that i was too happy to speak for almost a hour. my secert was phonix materia, i forgot which other materia you equip it with but if that part member dies with both them equiped will automaticly use it and revive all.

but hey werent we talking about megaman? guess i got carried away with my love for video games....