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(#256 (permalink))
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SovereignEvil (Offline)
J'aime l'esprit foncé
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Location: Sweden
04-05-2008, 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Noone said anything about you
Even so, i've seen him live enough and been around plenty of people to know how it works from that experience. I don't know anyone who could tell me that his music directly means something on a deeper level to them.
I guess you must be the exception.. lol.
When I said Bright Lights and Loud Bangs, I meant it as an analogy that people are attracted to his style of Rock like Moths are to flame.. but unlike Moths, they grow up.
Heh, HUGE exception then.
I didn't enjoy Manson much live, maybe because of the crappy seats, but the performance was bad when I put it next to his previous concerts.
Eh, why shouldn't people be attracted to his style of music? Everyone are attracted to artists by their style, like I'm attracted to Bauhaus because their old "crappy" equipment and deep vocals gives the sound I'm in love with. And Manson is not all rock, he plays many different genres, depending on the song and album.

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