Thread: Alice Nine
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MelfinaPan (Offline)
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04-05-2008, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
j21@ That's a good pointe. T_T; Very frustrating as well. *kills PSC* Especially PS Company make all their bands alike. O_O'' It's awful!

MP@ Ohh yush! *_*; But Saga ish MIIIINE<3 *rapes sadist*

adina+ajsnoopy@ EEK! :''3 Thanks girls<3 Yes, PS indeed is amazing. ^^ *rapes Photoshop CS3*
Don't worry dear. Saga is safe. While I think he's hot I would never take him. Looky no touchy


Illustrious Keeper of Plastic Tree (Arimura Ryutaro, Hasegawa Tadashi, Nakayama Akira, and Sasabuchi Hiroshi)

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