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GhostBlade (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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04-06-2008, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by odonata View Post
I paid over $1k to fly from UK to JP direct. Make sure your flight is direct as one quote I had was for $700 but would have taken 3 days with flight changes and waiting. It would have been to amsterdam then dubai then bejing and then some other place.
This flight will only have 1 stopover before departing directly to Japan. I know ticket prices can reach 1K+ during the summer months but I just want to be sure that I'm getting a decent deal. The price of $870 seems like a good deal departing from my hometown. I think I will wait it out for a bit before purchasing because I want to be absolutely sure with my purchase without regrets. I'm a bit worried whether this price will increase in the next couple of days. Should I wait it out or should I just buy it? Prices can either drop or increase and that the latter scares me but there's always a chance for a decrease. What are the chances fares will drop? Is it more likely that they will increase if I plan on departing on May 26? Sorry for the rant but I'm just trying to make a big decision and asking for some assistance.

Last edited by GhostBlade : 04-06-2008 at 04:10 PM.
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