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Amnell (Offline)
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04-06-2008, 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Really? Can you explain?

I am not a member of PETA, or even a supporter, but I respect thier die-hard attitude for non-cruel treatment of animals. What do you see PETA trying to do?
I see PETA disrupting the lives of normal human beings who are just going about being top-of-the-foodchain humans, using women in a degrading manner to further their goals, cheapening the existence of the human race, and just generally being a pain in the ass.

Truly, I respect their... wait, hang on... Their whole thing is a little too extreme. Hrm... Okay, I agree with them that animals should be treated ethically. How's that? However! (comma) You can "ethically" butcher a cow and house a bunch of chickens or take consideration for some wild bird or whatever. So I have to frown on them for being both extremist and in-your-face (PETA is one of the few organizations I despise more than your run-of-the-mill Christian church for how in-your-face they can get with their beliefs, sometimes). I actually read somewhere (unverified) that PETA is considered a domestic terror organization by the FBI.

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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