Originally Posted by chaseme
which ever is lacking could do both as long as i dont do the cleaning and inking
anyway i think the group also need a panel director
basically someone who would plan how many panels per page and what would should appear in what panel(actions/poses, bubble place, point of view, line of sight of characters, etc..)
if there will be a number of sketch artist the group really need this. so they can work easily in their individual character design without having problems with how it would look. we always use manga studio to link up the separate work into one page
Yeah that's true. I haven't really thought so deeply into that kind of thing yet, what I was thinking about briefly was that the sketch artists could do a page each if you know what I mean. [Obviously they'd need to talk to each other a lot to see what goes where.]
I think I need to start recruiting admin to check up on how people are doing with the project, and a panel director would probably come under this too.