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Gaberdeen (Offline)
Posts: 56
Join Date: Feb 2008
04-06-2008, 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by kpauner View Post
ooh okey, this basically means that in longer pieces of texts 4 different alphabets are used simultaneously. Where we use 28 letters in 1 alphabet (in Denmark) The Japanese uses thousands in 4 different alphabets..?
Or have i misunderstood something? This seems like a lot of work, just to be able to read a newspaper..

btw: Thanks for the help both of you
No, all 4 are not used simultaneously, Romanji (abc etc) is conveniently designed so westerners can phonetically pronounce japanese words using the roman alphabet - most japanese are educated to know how to write and read romanised japanese (Romanji)

hiragana, katakana and kanji are sometimes used simultaneously.

It IS a lot of work, Japanese is a rewarding language though and through it, i've began a process of realisation regarding it that has me thinking it's actually simpler in it's design and use than english

Sounds preposterous I know! But if you persevere, you'll see what I mean.

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