Ikaga desu ka!?
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04-06-2008, 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by EveV
Yea their going to Japan this year. My friends in it. However this is really going to financially hurt her family and it'd be a shame if she was wasting her money x.x
Tell her to get the warrenty if she's going, if she gives them money with out that warrenty then she doesn't get her money back if she fails to pay all the money in time. Its an extra 5 dollars or 40 dollars something like that. I have a friend going to Europe in the summer too she's doing alot of fund raisers to help for travel expences. It sounds great though and its a once in a life time opportunity don't let her pass it by.
Insurance!!!! thats what I was thinking about not warrenty XD
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
Last edited by Hyakushi : 04-06-2008 at 10:31 PM.