04-07-2008, 02:42 AM
If I may be honest, you don't really have to know what まくりんぐボンバー means. It's only used by a small group of young boys (around 10-15) and I doubt that it will still be in use a year from now. It's one of those fashionable colloquial expressions that most often last only a few years.
What you SHOULD know is the verb まくる, which you can use all your life. It's usually added right after another verb to make it mean 'to keep doing something'.
~まくりんぐボンバー = ~まくり
Like I siad, only some young boys say まくりんぐボンバー. I never say it. No one I know says it. I've only heard it on TV and seen it on websites, but never in real life. You can see it when this guys says to himself 「ていうか、まくりんぐボンバーって、おま……何歳だ よ……。 」. That means "What do I mean by まくりんぐボンバー? How old am I? " .