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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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04-07-2008, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by killrb323 View Post
I read somewhere that nihonjin think romaji names and logos look cool, but to me it just seems like since they learn four writing systems in school and are taught to use hirigana, katakana, and kanji interchangably, so they just don't consider romaji to be any different.

Am I totally off base?
Yes, you are off base reagrding us being taught to use the three systems interchangeably. They almost never are intechangeable in good writing.

But you are right about the Roman alphabet looking cool to us. Except for the use of romaji at train stations, airports, road signs, etc. where it's used for the obvious purpose of helping the non-Japanese, we mostly use it for a design purposes rather than commucation ones.
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