Originally Posted by NanteNa
Neo@ Actually asian people can be born with colored eyes such as brown, green and bluish. It happens rarely. Also it's seen with blondish asian-people. ^^''
Ahh yes. *_*; That shoot is amazing. *faints*
Gackto wears blue contacts tho. *nod*
Hmmm... seriously, I didnt see one :// Maybe i should search on google XDD Blondish asian-people?? I didnt see "real" blond asian people! not even once, oh jeez XD *runs to google*
Ohh he wears contacts!! But you know what, they look so natural! :// I mean when I first saw him, I was like,, wooow a Japanese boy with colorful eyes *-*
Originally Posted by ReiIsMyAlterEgo
he wears blue contacts, he wears tight pants, he lies about magnum xD i still love him x33
tight pants= rawr
lie about magnum= mwuhahhhhaaa XDDD -- agree agree i love that show too XDDD, poor Gackt, he was kinda embarrassed though XDD--