If you want to make a card game, I already made one ^^ just haven't properly set up all the rules yet or de the cards but that's a matter of time, not creativity.

Already got all the stuff in my head.
Sorry about being away for so long, and I never knew this thread would actually pick up!

I suppose I have plenty to own to MissMisa for that, because it seems hers was the first post that actually umm showed genuine interest in that sort of thing and she took her time with her post so... yeah
For the time being, I lack a job and a decent computer, which sort of has led me to lay aside my aspirations - for now. I am a creative person all in all, and it stretchs beyond writing and game making. Currently very involved in my thrash metal badn at the moment, so I play the guitar a lot.
But game and level design is still my thing, along with creating overall concepts and such. Learning how to program is going to take a very long time,, which is unfortunate because without it, no game. I suppose you could learn GML (Game Maker Language) and make games based off that. I've always wanted to do a platform game similar to the old Mario games. I think there's lots of potential in that sort of games.