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(#9 (permalink))
Alastor (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Jul 2007
04-07-2008, 09:52 AM

How about avoiding the Giant Hornets that linger outside Tokyo?

Ever read about those beasts? It's like, the first one won't sting you, but spit some nasty stuff at you that may or may not burn away skin. The stuff that little thing (actually it's about the size of a thumb or something) spat on you contains some other stuff that'll make 30 more of its buddy go after you and sting you until you don't move anymore.

Around 40 people die like that every year, I read. Each one a very painful death, at that. Did you know that when one of those Japanese Giant Hornets enter a bee hive, every single bee has to attack it? That's like tens of thousands of bees. Against one hornet. Why? If that hornet successfully plants that nasty stuff in the hive, 30 of its friends will come along. And they will, one after another, tear the head off the body from the bees to then give as food, or something.

Think about it. 30 hornets. 30,000 bees. One by one, the bees are ripped to death. Would you want to travel outside Tokyo and risk running into these guys? I know I wouldn't.
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