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04-07-2008, 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
I think that as long as young people do heavy chatting on keitai, they will keep coming up with new abbreviations. It's just physically much faster to type 「あのKOマジKY」 than to type 「あのクサイおやじ、マジで空気が読めない」. They should ban keitai in Japan or our language will be destroyed!
It takes me a LOT longer to punch out KO and KY than just the regular Japanese.
I take forever to type anything using the alphabet, but am very fast with Japanese. I don`t think it`s so much speed as the "coolness" factor of using an abbreviation code.

We have a magazine with a huge list of ギャル語 abbreviations, and there is no way they can remember them all. Some had 5 or 6 meanings - it seemed more like a code to make it hard for others to understand what was written.

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