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Rikku777 (Offline)
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04-07-2008, 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by YaminoFATE801 View Post
When I first heard about Death NoteI just read the manga a few chapets and that was it, I really disliked it. Man now I feel so stupid. Death Note is the best anime and movie and manga I ever laid hands on!
I'm a L fan He's an awesome problem solver.
I even have a L plushie that I cuddle with ever night lol

Fate-chan deshita
Yay! Another L fan! *gives you L cake* I sleep with my L every night too! Cause I loooooooovvvve him^^ *looks over at L(Kanji) and giggles* No, not you L, don't look so hopeful

Which plushie do you have, Fate-chan? I have the regular one, but I want the cake one...cause its so cuute, tears actually came to my eyes when I looked at it! ....My bro thought I was crazy^^

*looks over at xHinaNarux and foams at mouth as eyes turn red*

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