Originally Posted by Hatredcopter
Is it even possible for a non-Japanese (or Japan-born) person to follow Shinto? There isn't really a 'book' in Shinto that teaches you everything, like in many other religions. Most people in Japan learn Shinto by what their parents and grandparents pass down to them, and by taking place in rituals as a group.
i knew people would answer back with somthin like this and the answer is yes you can be a follower even if you do not live in japan. has aney one hear hurd of tusbaki shrine of america? it is a shinto shrine in the usa located in washington. and there are maney groups that follow shinto around canada. altho it is a japanese fath there are translated texts of all the storys of shinto and the prayers. i have had the experence of undergoing misogi and i have a in house shrine. for the persion that said thay would be hard to get it was veary easy. as for the non japanese thing that is veary untrue because you can still be a shinto prest and not be japanese,you just have to undergo study. hope this filled in some info for some of you.
Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America