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zubakusugar (Offline)
A Clockwork World
Posts: 33
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: in a piece of shit apartment
04-07-2008, 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Misa you're so pretty!!! >.<' I love how you do your eyes! and the pink hair in the 3rd pic is just adorable

Woah Vietnamese and Swedish, that's such a cool combination x)

Texan: born in Texas (USA) I'm assuming you weren't xDDD!
aw you think? It's a mess sometimes 'cause we travel so much ><
and I'm the only one in school who have got a dad one head shorter than my mum XD;; erhm

I see, hehe nope ^^ r u from USA?

"Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine."