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(#295 (permalink))
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SovereignEvil (Offline)
J'aime l'esprit foncé
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04-08-2008, 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
How about you get a clue and not label it wrong yourself? You're the one arguing about the labels out there. Lacuna Coil IS Gothic Metal which is in turn a type of Rock. That is my opinion. Your opinion that I labelled it wrong is just as "wrong" to me.
Gothic metal is a type of metal, just because it spawned from rock doesn't mean it's rock. Like calling new wave a type of rock, just because it spawned from post-punk which spawned from punk which spawned from rock. You go out and label everything rock, because I don't feel like I could brighten up your mind even if I got the rest of my life.

And by the way, I'm not even sure that gothic metal is an actual genre, it's just the name of an album, like "Love Metal". If it were goth then it would be accepted in the subculture, but is Lacuna Coil accepted? No, we trash their asses!

Last edited by SovereignEvil : 04-08-2008 at 08:02 PM.
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