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(#297 (permalink))
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SovereignEvil (Offline)
J'aime l'esprit foncé
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Location: Sweden
04-08-2008, 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
By "we" you mean "you". Lacuna Coil is a good band.
This is the age old problem with people. They pass off their opinion as fact without an real evidence for hating or liking a thing.
When I put my opinion forward about MM, I gave reasons behind it. The fact he uses shock value to sell records and the "meaning" to his songs is over shadowed by that tactic so it doesn't really appeal to everyone.
So really, all you've said is that Lacuna Coil sucks and "we" accept it as trash.
I don't, I have almost all their albums.
Thanks for trying to brighten up my life though
By "we" I mean the goth community, we trash them because they are considered part of the goth subculture when they clearly are metal and not goth. I didn't say that Lacuna Coil were a bad band, I enjoy some of their songs, I just dislike them as in GOTH. That's what I'm saying, otherwise I have nothing against them. It's like Nightwish, I love them but when people say they're goth I kick their asses. No, not really, I just tell them, and afterwards I kick their asses.

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