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(#299 (permalink))
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SovereignEvil (Offline)
J'aime l'esprit foncé
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04-08-2008, 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Alright I accept that they're not "Goth". Goth Metal though is what they are labelled. I dunno about Nightwish, that chick annoys me. Nice music though.
Well, the thing with that is that there is no "goth metal". There is, however, "gothic metal" which is metal on gothic imagery, which is not what goth is when you talk about the subculture and 1980s underground movement. Gothic imagery talks about the rennaissance and churches and old architecture, castles and chapels, also vampires. Goth, however, talks about the spawn of post-punk, a genre of music and also a gathering name for people who dress accordingly.
What chick? The new one, Anette, or the old one, Tarja?

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