Originally Posted by Suki
Ok since we're criticizing her, I must say her eyelashes look so wiered fake! x)
Why 18...? I got my nose done 3 years ago, and I'm tired of it already ^^U Might take it off any day.
Mmmh upper-lip piercings look kind of uncouth to me, but it really depends on the person it's on.
Cause I'm not allowed to get any piercings till I turn 18 ^^ The eyebrow one didn't give me any extra credits in my parents' book. X'D
Originally Posted by LittLeAnqeLAyumi
aah,cool^^ and when have u bday in december?my bday is 14.12.. xD
yeah,my mom is really strict in such things..*sighs* >.< aww..i was so angry where i cant go to the an cafe concert...it was for free...T______T
anyway,so have u already any piercings?o.O just curious
Aww that sucks!! Was it free? O_O omg!
Uhm yush. ^^ I got one age 15. Right eyebrow.