Thread: The Kanji Kraze
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04-10-2008, 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by anrakushi View Post
I believe you are talking about the hiragana here and i completely agree, also it might lead to confusion for more struggling students as well.

on a slightly different topic the use of kanji where it is no common to be written in hiragana, i tend to think if the kanji is in the 常用漢字 list then it's use should be encouraged. i've had some young Japanese tell me that i shouldn't use kanji for 未だ、彼処 etc because it is not common with younger Japanese. I guess i'm just someone that loves kanji. i just feel it is strange to have a list of kanji for use in Japanese and then not use them in some of their most common uses. I can understand not using 迚も since that is not a 常用漢字 but not those examples i gave.
This I can agree with. Especially with relatively simple kanji, why not use them?
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