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sugoiaisukurimudesu (Offline)
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Japanese in Mangaland - 04-11-2008, 02:21 AM

I just bought this book and I highly recommend it to anyone learning Japanese other than just for travel. So many of my questions about some of the things I didn't understand in manga, anime, and magazines were answered here. It also included the first 160? kanji from "remembering the kanji". I'm not a big fan of the manga drawings, but they really do give you an idea of what the character is trying to convey. It includes the original text, romaji, a literal translation, and a translation that makes sense in English.

As someone trying to find various parts of sentences in manga and trying to understand what I hear when I watch Japanese film on the internet with little or no success, this book is a time-saver. And the best part is that it isn't a crutch like looking up the translations (if you can find them), but it makes you think about each word and why it's being used. It's great! I only wish I had bought it months ago.

さよならって言えなかった事、いつか許してね。同じ夢 を生きられないけど、ずっと見守ってるから。
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