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Gackt21 (Offline)
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04-11-2008, 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by kokunin View Post
dude...can you really say you can understand someone who was born during world war 2, or in a different era, who knew different worlds than you did. That's all I'm can someone be a companion to someone who isn't comparable...think about it this way...lets exaggerate the age. from 22 to 18 and the man be 100...he might die in a few months, would you still marry him? WOuld you still think this and that abotu love. Love isn't really blind...its more subconscious than
You know my answer and yes I like people that are different than me. Where would this world be if everyone was the same. The age thing does not bother me and it more interesting to learn from the older generation then running blind in the street like most young people do.
Look at things from different situations and you will see that if you are willing to learn things then do so if not then leave it alone. I feel better educated by this man than any teacher could ever do for me.

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