04-12-2008, 06:03 PM
adina@ Haha! X'D Awwr<3 *huggle*
I remember going completely insane when I saw that photoshoot with Myv and that random girl. O_O; I was like "NOOOOO!!! DIEEEEE!! *stabs random girl from photoshoot with spork*"
Ahh yes. Back on track..
I don't think so. O_Ô;
Seems they're busy touring in Japan. ^^;
According to their blog that is.. O_O; Or did it just end? O_o
[ ♥<-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead." - Pot Roast