04-12-2008, 10:06 PM
Ah maybe my Nihongo is perfect...*sigh*
Here is another if anyone's sitll reading...=)
[Originally posted on Quizilla!}
"Pretty Cherry Blossom's Misunderstanding"
Also called: "Kirei na Sakura no Gokai" Aaah people have been asking for a yuri/yaoi twist poem (cough cough BENJAMIN!!) so I took a stab at it. Realize, though, that this is my first attempt at anything YURI. I've done plenty yaoi things, but never yuri.
She was oblivious--
She didn't know, it seemed.
Walking by in silence,
Only speaking in my dreams
A light touch;
She held my hand--
How could she...?
She didn't understand
When she smiles at me,
Why does my heart go numb?
It's her it's her it's only her--
She's the only one.
Kirei na sakura no gokai--
Hitori aruki toki, atashi no kokoro wo nakitsubusu
Kimi wa atashi wo aishiteru naa
Nodokarategaderu yo...
(Pretty cherry blossom's misunderstanding--)
(When you walk away alone, my heart cries out)
(I want you to love me)
(I want it so bad I can taste it...)
She reaches out to me;
Yet her words are all so shaken--
If I told her would she realize
How much of my heart she's taken?
She doesn't seem to get it...
When will she learn it's me?
I fear that she's a robot--
Blinded by exactly what she sees.
I want to call her mine
I want her in my arms
She smiles, laughs, and speaks
As if she's got a thousand charms
Kirei na sakura no gokai--
Hitori aruki toki, atashi no seshin wo nakitsubusu
Kimi wa atashi wo aishiteru naa
Nodokarategaderu yo...
(Pretty cherry blossom's misunderstanding--)
(When you walk away alone, my soul cries out)
(I want you to love me)
(I want it so bad I can taste it...)
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....
Last edited by SamuraiAlchemistNinja : 06-03-2012 at 05:17 AM.