Thread: Why Chopsticks?
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04-14-2008, 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
yeah, i grew up using chopsticks too! but i also don't hold them correctly. BUT HEY, THAT WORKS FINE WITH ME.

I do use other utensils but its mainly spoons and chopsticks.

I go back to Hong Kong or Malaysia and it's really embarassing because my younger cousins can hold chopsticks better than i do.

*hangs head in shame*
actually x.x'''
a LOT of people hold chopsticks incorrectly x.x''
if i'm correct, the correct method is to place your median finger inbetween the chopsticks...but most people like to place it on the to the index >.>"
but then again...holding chopsticks is like holding a pencil x3
whichever way works~~
as long as you get the food in (and neatly) who cares?! =DD

oh and traditionally, chopsticks were actually reserved for royalty >.>'''
peasants, 1500 or so (random guess), used only their fingers too eat. >.>'''
soo i guess it's relatively recent that chopsticks were commonly used by people of all classes x.x

andd like some guy said easier...most eastern foods are cut into bite sized pieces, so that there really isn't any need for a knife >.>"""
also...forks...are just bloody horrid =OOO
i mean.. seriously..stabbing the mess outta the food and then slowly eating it off a 3-4 pronged utensil??
that's just beastly x3
not much compared to the elegance and grace of gently picking up a piece of food w/o ever damaging it's meat >.>'''...atleast until you take a bite outta it :3

oh and just a note~
nigiri-zushi is traditionally eaten w/ teh fingers >.>"'
buut...i guess most people likie to use hashi now...

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