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(#148 (permalink))
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odonata (Offline)
Posts: 205
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: London
04-14-2008, 02:59 PM

I have to go with...

Chobits - "Let me be with you" as it is an awesome composition and arrangment for such a cute song. The string section is Da Bomb, check out the bass arrangment too.

Chobits - "Ningyo Hime" I really did not like it at first until I heard it on headphones. Top arrangment and class flat vocals. I think the accomp animation let the song down. Out of context this song is so much better.

Naruto - "Wind" I think this was the ending theme for the first 15 eps. A cool attempt at folk music with a Japanese guy singing english lyrics.

Girls high - Ending theme. Love the vocals, there is something there that makes me smile.

Lucky Star "Main Theme tune". OMG, it only hits home when you see it in the context of the opening credits. Snappy fast and intense with Japanese lyrics smacking you down as fast as you can get up. This song makes me so happy when I hear it I almost want to don a sailor uniform and dance along with the routine. but I am a man so this will not happen (yea but it can happen in dreams) shhhhhhh!

Deathnote "second opening theme" I just love the punk twist on the theme and the "ningen f**ker" lyrics, awesome in your face and right on the button.


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