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MusicLuver (Offline)
Posts: 212
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Strawberry Fields
04-14-2008, 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post

I got my own island somewhere in PR!? *dances*

This place looks amazing btw ^_^' MariYa, no wonder you had a great time *jealousy takes over* >.<

Bellatrix has lovely lips! Slightly like ML's! Duuuuude, what's with Puerto Rican girls being sooooooo prettyful!? <333
:O your name is Marina? .......cause I really just can't imagine someone being named Isleta lol xD then again, someone was named Pilotinspector

aaawwh, lol, thanks ^^

Thunda: aaawh, thank you Thuuundaaa! *imagines you as a girl* o.o

MariYa: it's great that you had fun! did you went to any other places? I knooow, it really sucks when you have to go back to the real world after having fun :/

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