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JF Ossan
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04-16-2008, 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by LadyQ View Post
I've just started to learn kanji (I'm a complete beginner) and there are lots and lots of programs and tools to help one to do that... none of which seem helpful.

Quite many of them teach the kanji symbol but no readings, just the English word. In some cases the translations are rather misleading.
...This seems a bit odd. Why would I want to learn a picture and the corresponding English word? I want to speak the language too.

Another thing, even though some programs allow one to set the level, they still teach kanjis that I don't think I'll be using in the near future. Finding a tool that suits my puny vocabulary is not the point, just a little more common kanjis...Or is this asking too much?

Just, if anyone knows any good tools, I'd like to hear.
Look for a good textbook and tutor. The best thing is to find a class. Kanji and Japanese language learning require years of dedicated study, and your best bet is to get that from a professional.

I bet for many people it is as difficult as medical school or law school, but no one asks for a program that teaches orthedpedic surgery online.

I am not picking on you, LadyQ, this is a VERY common question here...maybe I'll make a thread about it...
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