My name is J O O
(Is it really that similar

My love,
I do agree with you in a way...but there are a lot of people who try to look like their idols (and even do operations to reach that goal !) Even dressing the same is in my opinion copy-cat behaviour.
But making music...I am inspired by Nightwish (search youtube if you do not know

) and yes, some of my music has quite a few similarities. but it is still my own heart that speaks !
What Joost (and a lot of other musicians do it all the time

) did was pouring his GACKT-heart into his own music, and since music comes from the is no surprise that it sounded alike. As far as I am concerned or know, he didn't cover or imitate any of the excisting GACKT copy-cats who dress-up DO... ?
And as far as cannot help looking like someone...that is always a choice of your own.
@ ReiIsMyAlterEgo since we have sorted out that I am Joop, we are both bitches in our own little evil way, and I did not deserve such a "warm"welcome....I edited my post to be more...user friendly...I would respect it if you would do that likewise
Apologykiss on the cheek,