Originally Posted by Miyavifan
It does kinda.? I know it means it's a question. But even then there's a period after ka.
ah, ok.
thank you.
I wonder if it shouldn't be anata wa?
Because anata means you.
hmmm.. I know ogenki desu ka. -means how are you.
I'm guessing you mean something like "and you?"
which I think would be:
Anata wa ikaga?
That's what about.com says.
Is that right or wrong?
if you want formality...."anata wa ikaga" would be right...
for even more formal x3 you could use "-person's name- wa ikaga desu ka"
thoughh yeaaah just "anata wa" ish okie~~~
*kochi ni nihongo wa jibun de benkyoushimashita x] *