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(#34 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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04-17-2008, 06:57 PM

There is actually a position of a 'game designer.'

Here is some of the information that was given out by people IN THE INDUSTRY, regarding the different roles in game design. [This is only a small paragraph from the book, I'll probably be scanning the pages in at some point as it's very useful so people who are interested look out for that.]

This is an interview with a 'Game Designer' called SaiTong Man, who is the designer at Ninja Theory.

' Q: How does this role exist today? What's expected?

The role of the designer is to give shape to the game. As each team is made up of such a diverse collection of disciplines, designers must ensure that all elements of a game fit together as a whole. We need to ensure that what is delivered to us is fitting of the game and is in a state where we can balance the elements together to produce a balanced gaming experiance. A designer really needs to have an understanding of all the disciplines withing a development team so that they can make solid decisions when requesting content or work from others. '

Tenchu, I suppose you could say that a designer is the same thing as a project manager, from reading that paragraph it sort of fits the same description.
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