Thread: Literacy
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04-17-2008, 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post

Yeah, when I first started into chat rooms, I quickly learned all the abbreviations, acronyms, anime smilies, and slang terms. Then when I started on forums, I found out that using them in an intelligent conversation is a detriment to your position.

The big break for me from low literacy to "better" literacy was when I started learning Spanish, oddly enough. I found that understanding grammar in a different language helped me understand my own language's grammar better o_O . Odd, I know.

And don't feel embarrased.

Literacy matters... depending on what you're talking about and to whom. If someone like MMM completely ignored grammar, I wouldn't debate with him. Ever. I would think he was too stupid to REALLY know what he was talking about, and I would most likely get the impression that he was a twelve year old mimiking the things his parents tell him. I also don't like to RP with people who don't at least act like they have some semblance of literacy.

I know that sounds elitist of me, but hey :P .

Spanish really? Hmmm....I for one flunked spanish But I can read and write it. But then like in english many words even slang have different meanings.

I sometimes just write what I'm thinking in my head and it naturally comes out long versed. In the RP's, to me would depend if your mini RPing I can understand the slang put into it. But in the art of RP...well to me that's a whole other matter. It's like you can't savor the work if it's been butchered.

No. you don't sound like that, just someone who appreciates what they write.

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