Originally Posted by noodle
That's strange... I can't say I've ever thought any less of someone that didn't use proper English or correct grammar.
I rarely ever write correctly on a forum. This is not due to the fact that I am illiterate, it is simply, laziness! English is my fourth language, therefore, even with my advanced/fluent level, I find it too much of a hassle to write using perfect English. The way I see it is; if you guys can understand me, then it’s enough. I am not writing anything formal, so, where is the need to make sure that every comma or capital letter etc is included?
On the other hand, I do understand your grievances when it involves people speaking in a language that cannot be called “English”, i.e. “i cnt w8 4 my bd”. “I can’t wait for my birthday”. If I’m honest though, I can’t say I’ve come across anyone that speaks in that manner on this forum. I’ve been able to understand everything people have said, on a grammatical level that is
EDIT: Can someone please explain what "A grammar Nazi" means exactly?
Actually, noodle, I've long thought that aside from some (relatively) minor punctuation infractions, your grammar is pretty damn good!
Fourth language?! Jeez, what languages do you speak?
"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis
Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.