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(#46 (permalink))
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Nemhy (Offline)
Dungeon Crawler
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04-18-2008, 01:57 PM

DEADLIER?! are you kidding me?! The ghosts in night 4 were CAKE INCLUDING Kirie compared to night 3's! The Himuro Master was the hardest boss in the game. Ever fight a Wondering Monk AND a long hair woman? NOT FUN. I think the hardest possible fight was 2 wondering monks.

I'm usually always home alone, you prob just scare easy :P The first play through I wouldve beat in one run if I had the game, I had too go over his house too play it. I still dominated it and RAPED Kirie. Did you try nightmare mode? Where there's like NO healing items, and you have too fight stronger ghosts WITHOUT the filiment? Try beating that in one run. XD

Back to my main point, KIRIE IS EASYYYYY! Shes slow! Fight Reika in 3....hell the little girl in 3 was more of a challenge then kirie.

PSN: Nemhy
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