Thread: Literacy
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(#56 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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04-18-2008, 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
Wow, that's awesome, noodle!

If I could go to Spain or Japan and study the respective languages in those places, I would die happy XD . As it is, my grasp of Spanish grammar is great, but my vocabulary is so bad that I couldn't hold a conversation with another speaker if my life depended on it, and I'm just starting on Japanese. Fortunately, langauge comes fairly easy to me (unlike math).

I'm jealous XD
Hehe, I certainly do hope you are able to achieve your dream one day.
It seems like we are total oposites then . Math seems innate to me, whereas languages confuse the heck out of me.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It's not necessarily about thinking "less" or "more" of a person, but I find it harder to take someone who write like "b4 i 8 XOXO" than someone who writes normally. Most of the time I assume they are a teenager, and usually that's that.

There are a few people whose spelling is so bad I sometimes can't understand what they are saying, but that also to do with the fact their thoughts are so fractured that I woudn't be able to understand it if it was spelled correctly.

Noodle, I have never thought anything negative about your spelling and grammar. I think you are actually one of the better users of English here.
I guess my teachers in school were very severe then (Grammar Nazi's, perhaps?). Sometimes when I read over some of the posts I've written, I think to myself; oh gosh, there are so many mistakes and then I would remember how my teachers' laughed at my English when I was young .

As for thinking someone is a teenager due to their written level, I understand. In fact, I agree! I tend to think from time to time that certain members are really young. But generally, they do turn out to be young teenagers.
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